Hypercasual developer 8SEC has opened an office in Paris.
After six years of operation, and hits such as Trivia.io and Idle Army taking the company’s total downloads to over 30 million, the Lyon-based developer is expanding to continue team growth and enable it to work on new projects.
8SEC has grown from 5 to 20 people in 12 months and with this move hopes to reach a headcount of 35 by the end of 2021.
New location, new projects
The new Paris office will be led by co-founder and chief creative officer Louis Croquet.
“With the imminent launch of Hero Squad, our latest super casual hit, we felt it was finally time to build our second team so we can take on more projects and build even deeper experiences,” Croquet said.
“Paris is a great place to find talented and passionate people, and expanding there has been on our roadmap since day one.
“It’s super important for us to build a team as passionate as we are. We want to feel super proud of our games, that’s why we set the bar higher than ever for each new project.”
8SEC is now hiring across both locations. You can find out more details via its website.
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