The age rating board in Taiwan appears to have confirmed rumours of a GTA remaster trilogy, implying that it’s release must be imminent.
Considering how long Rockstar has gone without releasing remasters of any Grand Theft Auto games, except GTA 5, it was hard to know what to make of recent rumours that all three PlayStation 2 era games are on their way to modern formats.
It certainly seemed about time, but there was no proof other than Rockstar’s sudden interest in shutting down fan remake and mod projects.
But now what is called Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition has turned up on the Taiwanese age rating website and unless someone who works there is an epic level troll that means not only that the remasters exist but that their release must be relatively soon.
Rockstar had reportedly been uncertain as to whether to release the remasters separately or in one compilation, but the Taiwanese listing suggests they’ve decided to bundle them all up as one.
(Update: According to Kotaku the release date is currently pegged for November this year, which make sense if the age ratings are just now being assigned.)
Since it’s just an age rating website there’s no further information, but rumours claim that the remasters will upgrade the game to Unreal Engine and that it’ll actually be somewhere between a remaster and remake, with some content being changed if it’s not deemed to have aged well.
Rockstar Dundee, the studio formerly responsible for Crackdown 2, is believed to be working on the remasters, as well as the new next gen versions of GTA 5, but again none of that is confirmed.
Not even the formats are known for certain, although it’s believed the remasters will be released for both current and last gen consoles, including the Switch and Stadia.
The PC version though, along with iOS and Android, may have been delayed into next year, as a result of the pandemic.
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